@ 1998 - 2022 - Antique Photo Store - William A. Jordan - jordan72@ptd.net
Photo Restoration
The restoration of a photograph is accomplished by scanning or photographing the original and making the repairs through the use of a computer with a good photo program. Once the original photograph is scanned, it is put aside, and all restoration takes place on the scanned image. This is available for color slides, negatives or photographs. The repaired scan is than printed on a photographic paper.
I prefer to scan the original, however I can work from a JPEG file. The JPEG can be Emailed to me. Please contact me before sending a file!
The cost of restoring an image is 40.00 maximum. If I can do the work for less then I will charge less. Minimum is 10.00 to scan and set up the image. I reserve the right to refuse a job if I feel that I cannot repair it properly. Not all photographs can be repaired, some would require more work than would be realistic or may be so damaged that attempting to repair it would be futile. The cost of the final print is dependant on the size. (View “price list” page)
Before Restoration After Restoration