@ 1998 - 2022 - Antique Photo Store - William A. Jordan - jordan72@ptd.net
About This Site
This site is designed with the intent that you will enjoy traversing it. The Galleries are set up as Negative Files and within the files there is a large selection of imagery to view. Most of the imagery is of a professional quality and can be reproduced with surprising quality, however I have also included some imagery in the files that have been damaged or of lesser quality but may be interest.
Most of the negatives are of glass and will date between 1892 and circa 1925.
There are also many early plastic negatives represented such as the 1927 Quarry scenes. The galleries of Okinawa, Railroad imagery, and the Sebring race photography are all more modern (1960’s) 35mm and 120 film.
I may add a gallery of stereoviews at a later time - they will all be available for purchase.
These galleries will grow since there are more images that I have not had the chance to include yet. Most of the imagery displayed here has not been seen before since all of the images are from the original negatives, or from a proof made from the original negative.
Originally all of the images were proofed in a traditional darkroom and the proofs were scanned for display. Now the negatives are scanned and printed .
With some exception, all of the images displayed can be purchased as a 5x7 or larger image. Many of the original negatives and slides are available for purchase.
I strive to provide a quality print, and if for any reason a good print cannot be made from a requested image, I will not print it. All prints are inkjet prints using an Epson professional printer. I still maintain a traditional darkroom for special orders if requested.
Please look at our other services as posted on the main page: Framing, photo restoration, scanning of imagery, printing of slides, etc.