@ 1998 - 2024 - Antique Photo Store - William A. Jordan - jordan72@ptd.net
Price List Information
Slide and Negative Collections:
Color Slides: scanning is 2:00 each - This includes sizing and color correction. Scans are at 2400 dpi producing the ability to make a larger print from the slide - all slide images are placed on a CD, USB or Memory Card - (Minimum of 20 slides for this price)
35 mm Negatives: the same as color slides!
Negatives: scanning is 3.00 each for 4x5 or smaller negatives, 4.00 each for 5x7 negatives and 5.00 each for 8x10 negatives. This includes placing each image in a negative preserver (glassine envelope), numbering them and saving the file. Minor touch-up, contrast control, & color correction for color images is included. Scans are at 600 - 800 dpi depending on the negative size and requirements.
Photographic Printing: for ordering of my images or printing of yours:
Size Price
5x7 15.50
8x10 21.50
11x14 32.00
16x20 74.50
Larger Prints are available - please call for Pricing!
JPEG Pricing is noted on the Home Page
Contact Information: William A.(Art) Jordan
Phone: 973 579 6051 E-mail: jordan72@ptd.net
PayPal using this E-mail address is the easiest method